
Intensify Training Week

Alright guys, the votes are in and we WILL be having an el-ninos+CHS Intensive Training Week. The 6% of you who don't want it can just go play pingpong or something.

Oh wow within the last 30 seconds I came up with this acronym: Training Week, Intensive! CHS & El-ninos, or TWICE for short (lol wtf).

Oh and for our improvement (and for the sake of being etymologically correct), TWICE will be held twice a year; once in June and once in December.

The winning date is "Every day for both weeks, HARDCORE!!!". I think this is kind of impractical. The runner-up is every weekday for two weeks. This, to me, is a better one; there's time to rest and do other stuff. However, some people may be really busy on weekdays and only free on weekends, so both are still options to me. Oh, and the Taylor's 2011 people have a break in the second week, so we're doing both. To be confirmed.

Next, the time.. You @%Next, the time.. You @%$&$#&%ers.
35% voted morning, 35% voted evening, 30% voted "either". USELESS DATA.

Thus, there is a new poll: Who DEFINITELY CANNOT make it for morning or evening.
CLICK AND VOTE. You have till Feb 7th.

I already have a layout of the schedule in my head; TWICE will be epic.

Please vote so I can finalize things. I'd like for the largest number of people to attend TWICE.

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